My fascination w all things Iron and mechancal has to be with go-carts and tricycles. i wish i still had that #8 go car, in California we lived on steep hills , a few kids got killed riding theres down some super steep hills,& others busting their skulls open like pumpkins, i think i'm about 15-16 yrs old w this 1969 xlch sporster chopper , clutch cover was broken so you had to shift to neutral quick to stop,magneto kick start, this was my 2nd bike, this was when having choppers made folks think you were just motorcycle bums or worse, now its trendy to own choppers, turns like your driving a semi, the other chopper was a 1942 HD 45 , someone carved up into a chopper. I had bought the '69 xlch iron head from some useless bum w "chico" tatooed on his arm. i think i paid $800 in New Mexico, just a historic note ..1969 was the last year of "original" HD bikes before AMF ..A Mutha F ..well you know the rest.theres just some magic riding old motorcycles , i hadnt seen Easyrider until yrs later, that movie did more damage to antique bikes than anyone could ever imagine, Riding motorcycles has always been cheap therapy after dealing w lifes assholes.
tricycles to choppers to chiefs , knuckles, scouts, fours...
takes more than going down to your local Blockbuster and renting EasyRider to be a rebel.