Today i started the blog for the Rocky Mountain Motorcyle Museum for my friend Jim Wear, who is also the director of the museum in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Theres 75 motorcycles to see and anything and everything motorcycle related .
Reader wanted me to ID this frame. Many old frames have frame numbers eradicated by weather over time,so if u find a frame w/out frame number dont be surprised, this frame starts w 234... so 2 for standard scout and 34 for 1934. Identical to 1934 and 1935 Chief frames, compare to frame fotos i've posted.
Sometimes your motorcycles have to come before career and family.The blog name is bullshit, i luv Old Indians and I research my family tree, so thats what i came up with.i'm interested in old motorcycles,cars, tanks, i also collect militaria, mostly german ww2 , ww1 , , helmets etc, field gear,British RAF Irvins, The Panther was the first Porsche as far as i know.Traveled to 11 countries, lived in 4 countries Finland, Netherlands,Malmo ,Trelleborg,Falsterbo and Ystadt Sweden,went to Bladins Skola in Malmo as a little guy,,i am very interested in researching my family tree , my scandinavian side goes to the beginning of records, my dutch ,german to 1400s i have a degree in genetics/biology, worked in cancer research. treat me good ,i'll treat you better, treat me bad ,i'll treat you worse, life never forgives weakness.