Monday, June 30, 2014
1981 n 1982 VW air cooled Vanagons
Being that i like, or lust after air cooled Porsches, VWs etc, i stumbled on these 2 Vanagons,, both are air cooled , b4 water cooled radiators,,, surprisingly both engines were rebuilt when the owners threw in the towel,, the starting n running issues r not resolved by adjusting out components by the usual means , these have to have vaccum lines intact, grounds intact, brain boxes ie the electronic control modules, relays , oxygen sensors n heat sensors working optimally to run reliably..
Wolfgangs 1940 Chief, cross usa trip 2014
250+ dogs to be mass executed at Lancaster California Animal Control Doggie Dachau June 30 2014
the notoious Lancaster animal control has stopped letting legitimate rescues "pull" or liberate dogs to be fostered n adopted out , the killing station is at an all time high,,,no adoptathons to find homes for any of them, no animal control workers w the decency to promote adoptions , its truly a horrific mass murder to occur in the next few days,,, the vast majority of dogs r easily adopted out w time,,, ...anything the us government touches turns to shit ,, heres one prime example,,, its truly a shame there isnt a decent government or citizens watchdog group that can supervise this animal control ..theres folks there taking purebreed dogs home n breeding them 4 profit,, ,,, .. i encourage anyone to take a closer look at this animal shelter... and especially to adopt out dogs there right now ,, in the next few days they will begin the mass executions...
read this link ,, a real eye opener to the kind of disturbed angry vindictive brutal people that run these mass killing stations...
the notoious Lancaster animal control has stopped letting legitimate rescues "pull" or liberate dogs to be fostered n adopted out , the killing station is at an all time high,,,no adoptathons to find homes for any of them, no animal control workers w the decency to promote adoptions , its truly a horrific mass murder to occur in the next few days,,, the vast majority of dogs r easily adopted out w time,,, ...anything the us government touches turns to shit ,, heres one prime example,,, its truly a shame there isnt a decent government or citizens watchdog group that can supervise this animal control ..theres folks there taking purebreed dogs home n breeding them 4 profit,, ,,, .. i encourage anyone to take a closer look at this animal shelter... and especially to adopt out dogs there right now ,, in the next few days they will begin the mass executions...
read this link ,, a real eye opener to the kind of disturbed angry vindictive brutal people that run these mass killing stations...
Monday, June 23, 2014
Roswell New Mexico Animal Control Murder Spree continues
January 16 2015 this is a must read n must share ,,Roswells House of Horrors n hidden from the public murder rooms...
I cannot keep up w the sheer volume of dogs cats these nazi monsters r liquidating,,, Very hard to make lasting change in a house of horror supported by an equally culpable Kintigh, just pure evil,, the town is an ol boy network of pot bellied balding slugs living off the system ..
this is a must read to understand the devastating mess that is Dennis Kintighs House of Horrors...
Heres a great resource to learn about the slimeshit crap that goes on in Roswells house of horrors... no other so called shelter ie killing station is as ruthless n cruel as Roswell...all other shelters want their animals saved......cut n paste if link wont work
October 18-2014...Roswell house of horrors is trying to hide the vast numbers being executed some given 3 days others 7 days , i cannot keep up w all being slaughtered...these r only a few...this is a small shelter w plenty of rescues , adoptors n others that could easily make this a no kill shelter , but our fuhrer will have none of it , all must be killed for his glory... The Fuhrer of Roswell has ordered the following executions for his glory...puppies n whole families of cats n kittens thru his Amon Goeth , Ilse Koch.. Slaughter house Sandra,,w nazi efficiency she eliminated the following ....
Momma n her puppy... proud of these kills huh Sandra??? sleeping good ? u truly r pure black evil...some people get cancer in life ,, sometimes its bad luck,,some earned it...i hope your a heavy smoker...
October 3-2014.. very difficult to keep track of the vast numbers of dogs being executed,, these r just a few of the easily adopted dogs , mayor slime-shit executed, as soon as hes gone maybe there can b change n decency.... till then here r the faces of the dead, they would have been easily adopted , rescued , made great dogs...
Heidi below especially gets me, look at those pleading eyes... Proud of yourself Kintigh? u could have stopped this, u chose not do u kill a dog like this? punch em , kick em , step on their throat n shoot em up Sandra? did u enjoy it?.....pathetic.... the most pathetic so called animal control ...a staff of monsters
September 22 2014 Now Roswells House of Horror r giving dogs 2 days from when they r intaked to find a way outa the House of Horror... Herley not even a year old Healer executed probably by Slaughter Sandra... Herley had 2 days to find his way out of that miserable killing station... no information posted or made available to potential adopters , rescues, fosters etc,, more of the Roswell Animal Controls commitment to executing as many dogs n cats and anything that breathes...
Once again this is a killing station funded 100% by United States Citizens, these gangsters need to answer to US citizens not to the incompetant cruel thugs that run that place,.,, Every other "shelter" in New Mexico works hard to work w rescues , fosters, adopters to find the dogs n cats homes, Roswell AC is adamant about,, its not our concern....this young healer would have made some one a fine dog , but Kintigh n his people denied him that 1 chance,,,
September 8 2014 Monday...It dont get uglier than this "So, I suppose you saw that they KILLED this dog Gonzo while the adoptor was standing there waiting for him to be pulled .. They knew the adoptor wanted to get him & they went back & killed him while the adoptor was waiting... Sickening"......YES this happened TODAY September 8 2014,,, One of the Roswell Animal Control thugs murdered a helpless innocent dog as the adopter was waiting to take the dog home,,,, this is the kind of deeply disturbed retaliatory behavior of the bullies that run this animal contol killing station,,, they just get excited n thrilled to kill even while a decent person comes to adopt a dog,,, DONT BELIEVE ME ??? CALL N ASK ABOUT WHY GONZO THE DOG PICTURED BELOW WAS MURDERED...Dennis Kintigh n his pot bellied thugs could care less... THESE PEOPLE ARE MONSTERS...
.......SANDY ...WHY DID YOU KILL GONZO when u n ANGEL both were given phone messages that adoptors were coming to adopt them>? GUESS WHAT I"M NOT GOING AWAY,,,, I WILL POST DAILY ABOUT YOUR MONSTROUS BEHAVIOUR... IT WAS A PUPPY YOU KILLED TODAY FOR DENNIS KINTIGH,,, that is disgusting n evil....
August 28 2014 plenty more executed,..PLEASE READ AND SHARE
Our work in Roswell, New Mexico is far, far from done. While some changes have been made to encourage adoptions, the fact of the matter is that healthy, highly adoptable dogs are still euthanized, cats are rarely visible and vanish while there, dogs who are in the front kennels are suddenly moved to quarantine kennels in the hot garage, and then disappear from the records. We were told that only 2 people are allowed to visit the animals in quarantine, and they are NOT allowed to share information. Roswell Animal Control is still a slaughterhouse . . . . #SaveRoswellDogs
NOT ALLOWED TO SHARE INFORMATION???? REALLY its a STATE tax payer funded facility ,, n they want u n me to shut up,.,,, GUESS WHAT I AINT GONNA B SHUTTING UP.... I will expose all your double dealing n puppy murdering crap .... Harassing adopters , harassing tax payers n rescues , u bet ,,, until u stop ,,, intimidation ... as long as u accept US CITIZEN TAX PAYERS DOLLARS FOR YOUR STATE JOBS U R SUBJECT TO US CITIZENS....
ROSWELL's HELL ON EARTH for DOGS n CATS,,, Govt thugs ....
This foto below is business as usual in animal controls - killing stations across the usa ,, owner surrenders is the term for dog dumping ,too lazy to find em a home or too old , or just not convenient or sick senior or the dog bit someone or nipped at some one , the piss poor excuse list can fill a book... drag em out of their cell or kennel , restrain em shoot em up w lethal poison , get a pile going , bag em n dump em.. NAZI like efficiency ,, i personally have found homes for at least this many in the time i've been in rescue..if you arent willing to advertise where you live in the newspaper or online or other options and that was your dog ... do you really think an overpaid state employee is gonna give a shit about your dog you are surrendering? dumping? they couldnt begin to care............the few that do r angelic souls in a gruesome world of cruel hate filled monsters... some of the animal control folks i have meant r just great people fighting for these abandoned souls the rest would make Hitler proud.
August 20th 2014 Wensday,,, to show how resolute Roswell Animal Control is in their zeal for executions this..."So I found a foster, I found someone to cover the cost. I still can't pull because apparently Roswell Animal Control has been filing charges against rescuers and they are driving by the addresses to make sure the people who adopt, actually have to dogs. So people can't pull for other people. I swear, they want these dogs to die because they make it almost impossible to save them."
In addition to bullying potential adopters that come in to see what dogs r available ,, they r being chased down to their residences...if this isnt a complete 3rd reich gestapo kill all the dogs mentality i dont know what is,,, these endless exterminations dont have to happen , power hungry disturbed psychopaths r now in control , the zeal they have to execute pregnant struggling mama dogs is chilling...Adolf Hitler n Heinrich Himmler would be so proud of these dog killing monsters...
This is still the United States of America , its still we the people not a few criminal gangsters running things.. but not here,,, the ol-boy network is killing day in day out , bullying , threatening, intimidating , when u meet some of these psychopathic emotionally disturbed brass tags u realyze how deeply the pathology of their hatred for these dogs goes,,, if its day 8 ,,, they cant wait to drag that dog down the hallway screaming n crying n stick a needle in its neck after punching n kicking the creature...Decent people r doing what ever they can to save these dogs from certain death at the hands of these servile pedantic Martin Bormann types,, but they will go to any extreme to kill as many dogs as they can.. It took the greatest bravest generation in history to stop Adolf Hitler n his murders ,, hopefully we wont need 10 million soldiers to stop these Roswell monsters..
August 11 Monday 2014,, these 2 less than one year old puppies killed , executed for Dennis Kintigh,, he is behind the largest execution n killing efforts in Roswell,, not sick , no parvo, plenty of space ...
Two precious young puppies just needing more time to find a home, but Dennis Kintigh denied them that time n ultimately this morning he made sure they were killed for him.... his pot bellied Rambos dragged them crying n screaming, whimpering , pleading for their lives to the death room ..the heartless cruel govt thugs shot em up w lethal poison, enjoying every second of seeing them suffer as their lives ebbed out... The thug network is now intimidating rescuers , potential adopters , discouraging folks from coming in to see what dogs are alive or available, one woman was harassed as she left in tears , another was told if he came back to visit the open to the public state tax dollar funded facility he would be charged w loittering,,, Its clear as a sunny day they do not want adoptions, dogs rescued ,, ... These 2 lives and the 1000s of others exterminated deserve better ... Th future for Roswells dogs is certain death on a Lancaster California scale of 1000s exterminated ,,,below executions demanded by Dennis Kintigh.. the following have been executed
The killing station is trying to be as silent as they can knowing people r getting involved n documenting their these are incomplete kill rosters i'm posting... Guess what Dennis?? I'm not going away , neither are the tens of thousands of decent people disgusted with you ...
7 month old Mozart... you killed him too....
Garth above was only 4 months old.. Proud of yourself Dennis???4 month old puppy dead ,,, just 4 you...
7 month old Gabby killed for you Dennis... where is the decency? respect for life? What happened to this country,, we woke up one day n the criminal gangsters completely took our country away from US citizens, shit on the flag paid for in the blood of our veterans.
Dennis Kintigh has his Roswell Hell killing station going silent...heres a statement from a kind soul trying to find homes for the most unfortunate dogs...."We are no longer receiving information on the animals in the shelter. We do not currently know who was adopted, reclaimed or killed. We still have a volunteer who takes photos for us, but when a new dog is in a cage we have no clue what happened to the one who was in there the last time pictures were taken. Please share these babies and lets find them homes. The situation at the shelter is far worse then anyone thinks. Lets work together and save these babies."
Personally i dread when the mayors birthday comes around,,,
" The Mauthausen concentration camp’s “Totenbuch”, or Death Book, records in meticulous handwriting how on April 20, 1942, a prisoner was shot in the back of the head every two minutes for 90 hours. The Mauthausen camp commandant ordered these executions as a birthday present for Hitler."
Will he be executing dogs n puppies for his birthday?
WE AS US CITIZENS NEED TO WORK TOGETHER TO TAKE OUR USA BACK FROM GANGSTERS that have their own agenda,, Its like having alcoholics run a liquor store... voting themselves , payraises,bonuses, the best medical plans we the tax payer can pay for THEM.. pensions 401ks to rival Saudi Royalty.Enriching themselves at the public trough, behind closed doors, where you the US citizen are not allowed to speak, ,,
The gangsters are not familiar w the late JFK and his timely phrase...
My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
Over here its dont ask what your country can do for you , grab the cash n screw everyone.. how much can i screw the tax payers for.... wheres my bonus???
Whats amazing is it takes so little to find these dogs homes n rescues , fosters adopters,,, so why be a murderer? theres got to be more than just being a ruthless inconsiderate killer,,, theres got to be bonuses n money to be made buying the lethal injectable poisons., money to be made of the barrels n dumpsters of the dead.. what if tomorrow there were no more dogs to kill? no more well paid state jobs for folks w nothing to do, no more generous budgets for your ol boy network , no more MONEY to enrich yourselves with..
Its not just about being an inconsiderate killing monster its about lining their pockets w dead puppy money...
there r so many executions , its hard to keep up,,,easily adopted, plenty of folks willing to adopt , foster, transport AWAY from ROSWELL HELL...
July 24-2014 on Dennis Kintighs orders 4 month old Skipper the puppy was executed, no parvo no cancer not sick,,, 40 open kennel cages, not packed w dogs,, just his pot bellied rambo cops on a killing spree
Skipper would have been a great dog for a young child or anyone...i'll post more victims shortly,, they kill so many its hard to keep up
If you see Dennis Kintigh,, ask him why Skipper was executed.. fair enough isnt it,, hes the Mayor,,and his paychecks come from you n me ,, US taxpayers,, so he works for you n me right?
Dennis Kintigh I ask you to relinquish your office of Mayor of Roswell , to step down n allow a decent caring accountable person lead this city out of the nightmarish HELL you have created.
july 16-2014 dennis Kintigh killings on his watch as mayor the following highly easily adoptable dogs... take our nation back from gangsters..shelter not full , none of these dogs ill w parvo or kennel cough, just a sick mayor...we are not going away,,, the murders can be seen globally , we the citizens will not tolerate a strong liar...
July 11 friday 2014..."With 12 open cages they are killing 3 now. One if which we have an
adopter going for at 4:00. Which is only 15 mins away and they will not
wait. Do you all see the problem now???"

Because we are requesting documentation about the management of Roswell Animal Control from the city clerk, we believe that animal control staff are now retaliating by euthanizing animals "at random" . . . NONE of previous Code Reds are scheduled for euth tomorrow . . . it's a whole new group that rescuers are now trying to scramble to save. They just destroyed a 5 month old, healthy puppy. The photo is Dr. Gutierrez's euthanasia protocol . . . this is what every dog goes through . . . and no mention of how the dogs are selected. PLEASE CALL CITY HALL IN ROSWELL (575-637-6700) or ROSWELL ANIMAL CONTROL (575-624-6722) or both!!! PLEASE SHARE AND MARK URGENT
Tell me how do you restrain a smiling lovable guy like this to shoot him up w lethal poison? what do you do when a guy like this just wants to lick your hands? do you look into his eyes as you extinguish his life? do you feel job satisfaction? do you have a kill number you remember or like a concentration camp guard indifferent to their terror n suffering?
this guy would have been a great dog 4 some one, Dennis wanted him dead for his glory.
Our Fuhrer of Roswell we ask you to stop the mass killings, bring back rescues n adoptathons n decency n compassion, u have only this life, do not leave a legacy of murders n cowardice, the world is watching you.. we are not going away.
Dennis i encourage you personally to administer the lethal doses of poison yourself to these puppies as they whimper n cry out... you sure find it easy to have your "techs" assassins do this for you.

All these very easily adoptable dogs were executed under Dennis Kintigh mandates in Roswell...
he stopped Rescues locally n out of state from being able to rescue them, knowing he would have them killed. by making things as difficult as he could he caused their deaths... pretty pathetic...
previously this was a low kill shelter...
Look at this one ,, easily , i mean easily adopted out ,, but not on his watch... he prevented this innocent puppy from finding a home...
Do you know how smart Heeler dogs are? they r one of thee smartest breeds,
This foto of 2 kissing puppies says it all,, what kind of monster rules Roswell,,, i know many decent folks in Roswell ,, he sure isnt representing the decent hard working moral people of Roswell or New Mexico...he had these 2 puppies killed...
This is his DREAM for all the dogs of Roswell , when money n power n a complete disregard for decency n compassion becomes ones living principles,, killing n screwing people is easy... what is an elected official supposed to do??? do what the citizens that elected him want ... this is still the United States of America, not his personal occupation.. at least i cant put puppy killer on my resume... Lets take our communities n our United States of America back from government thugs w their own personal agendas , let stop monsters like this from killing puppies and adoptable dogs . This is his legacy, piles of dead adoptable dogs...
this gal is saving a few from Dennis,,, please donate... read it n check it out , u can make a difference
more of the dead ...we can stop him,,, we still live in the United States of America ,, not his personal occupation government of tyranny
9 beautiful easily adoptable dogs murdered today June 23 2014,, no parvo , no cancer , just a mayor Dennis Kintigh on a all out murder spree...a 7 month old puppy one of todays murders,,, with nazi like cruelty n much longer will the heartless cruel monster reign over Roswells innocent dogs??
You can help stop Dennis Kintigh from murdering dogs at Roswell animal control by donating to this fund,,, these r kind decent folks who spend their last hard earned dollars helping the forgotten dogs in Roswell n neighboring communities,,they dont get fat generous paychecks off the backs of working people like govt thugs we r fighting do.. They dont vote themselves pay raises n bonuses n prefferred medical plans at your expense...
from facebook
Attention friends of Roswell's Death Row Dogs . . . 9 dogs were killed today, more this afternoon, and another 9-10 tomorrow . . .
URGENT!!! Please read the entire post and when you share this link, COPY AND PASTE INTO THE STATUS UPDATE. (Important: You do NOT have to be a resident of Roswell to file a complaint)
Below are directions to file a complaint against Mayor Dennis Kintigh
This should be part of the complaint: THE MAYOR WAS OUTSIDE HIS JURISDICATION WHEN HE TOOK ACTION AGAINST LOCAL SHELTERS (the dog bite incident happened outside city limits); . . . he really needs to be hammered on this . . . THE MAYOR IS TAKING DISCRIMINATORY ACTION AGAINST A LOCAL RESCUE GROUP BY REFUSING TO GRANT PERMISSION FOR RESCUE (AWA) . . . THE CITY'S BIDDING PROCESS FOR SUPERVISING VET FOR ANIMAL CONTROL MAY BE TAINTED (all city vets applied for the contract and Gutierrez got it again even though he provides no vet services for the animals) EXTREME ANIMAL CRUELTY (he himself ordered the euthanasia of animals on 6/16 after he had made an announcement to halt killings on that and the following day.)
(from June Weatherspoon ) Just called the State of New Mexico Attorney Generals Office of Investigations: 505-222-9000 they indicated to file a criminal complaint against your Roswell Mayor go to:
Choose tab: "File a Complaint"
Drop down menu, Choose: "Submitting Criminal Investigations Complaint"
Must print the PDF form fill it out and send it in.
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