I'd love to bullshit your ass , and say i got this at a yard sale and gave the old-timer a gallon of scotch.....but i'd be lieing...
Todds original paint 1908 Indian camel-back, Indian and HD started in 1903,
5 years into motorbike building after bicycles . looks like a motoryzed bicycle,
i've got to learn production numbers,its 2010 now ...a 102 year old motorbike...thats old.
To me all true Indian motorcycles come from Springfield, the copies are very nice indeed and remind me of the phrase "imitation is thee sincerest form of flattery" .

Heres a original paint 1929-31 era Four gas tanker..with the original Indian decal. The modern knockoff decals are nice but they just dont capture the originals look. 1 gas cap for gas only, no shared compartment for oil.

To see more of Todds motorcycles be sure to visit
.............if you want to sell a cool indian, contact me first...