After having having the valves get stuck and stopping my r35 one day i tore it down to service the valves, Next ,I put it all back together and hooked up a new hot 6 volt battery... ZERO..Nothing....^&%^%$%$_@!! What the FK is wrong now? No spark at the plug? No spark at the points/circuit breaker...the shaft isnt even moving?? Turned out to be the timing chain brokedown at the link pin. I looked all over the internet and truthfully , little to nothing on servicing it. My parts guy in Berlin I found on Ebay Germany, Koni had awhile back sent me a timing chain w a new set of points, the guy is always thinking ahead,all the parts for old Zundapps, BMWs , NSU bikes are all back in Germany, you don't have to be super fluent either to communicate. So heres a easy tutorial on how to do it.

R35 timing cover w points/circuit breaker.

points, condenser.

Lichtmaschine or light machine , ie generator and belt. Remove the outer cover, 2 screws or bolts. Next remove the inner cover , that will reveal the 2 gears. Line the gears up w the arrows point at each other, install the new chain, old ones are stretched out and useless.

New R35 timing chain installed note the 2 arrows on the left gear (oil pump) at 3 oclock and the right gear (cam)at 9 oclock. arrows point to each other for correct orientation. You dont have to swear and get too pissed off, its a pretty easy install. Not like where the chain is a link short and too tight to fit. The gears weren't too whipped so i left them on, it ran great until the valve,timing chain meltdown. R35s are fun bikes , light weight 350cc.